Website Maintenance Support Services.

Our Services
Websites need to be updated often since they are a means of communication for any sized business. People are using the internet everywhere – on their televisions and phones, so having your website’s content up to date is, no doubt, something that is very important now.
The main problem with updating a website is where to start. We get calls from people all the time who are in a situation where they are tasked with updating the company website but they have no idea where to start. What happens is that maybe the last time the website was updated was before they were employed there or the person who was in charge of the website has left the company. Sometimes the web designer that made the original website has left town or went out of business.
Getting access to the website can be a problem but we are able to work through that and help our clients. Information about how to do that is below but let’s first discuss our website design maintenance services.
The way it works is we sell what we call “Service Blocks,” which are blocks of time. Each “block” is a One hour of time. We do this for a few reasons. First, most work we get is at least a One hour of work. Second, if it’s not quite a One hour, then out clients tend to save up a few tasks that can all be done within a hour and this saves them time/money with website updates.
We Can Get You a Quote
If you are not sure how much time something might take or is ongoing, then we can give you a quote on the work before we begin. We’ll quote it and then ask for your approval (and payment) before we begin on the work with an effective Service Level Agreement in place.

Access to Your Website
As said, sometimes the most difficult thing with this work is getting access to the website. It’s difficult to know where to begin and where to get the info. Here is some help.
Website Maintenance Support Service are here at Just Results. We provide help to clients all over the NZ and even in other countries. We do not need to meet face to face in order to get things done as we have lots of experience taking care of people’s website maintenance needs. Get a hold of us today and we’ll see how we can help you.

Pricing / Costs
The cost for this work depends on how many blocks you purchase / pre-pay. The more blocks you buy at a time, the bigger discount you get. The reason for this is that it saves us time doing billing. If we have to generate an invoice for every single half hour of work, there is really no way we can give a discount. Discounts start at just 3 hours, which is a 3-pack of Service Blocks.
What We’re Looking For
What we need is the following:
- FTP server name
- FTP username
- FTP password
- Hosting Control Panel login (optional) – where your hosting is there should be a control panel where you can login and make adjustments.
- Control Panel username (optional)
- Control Panel password (optional)
The optional items above are probably optional – we might actually need this info but let’s first start with the FTP info.

Where to Get Your Hosting Information/Logins
Here are some tips that might help you find your website
hosting information:
- Check with whomever was updating the website or the IT Manager
- Check with Accounting (Accounts Payable) and find out who they pay for website hosting
- Call that company, explain who you are and ask for the information listed above in the “What We’re Looking For” section. They will know what you mean
- Do a “whois” lookup on your domain name and see if that tells you who the host is. It’ll first list the registrar (which might be the host) but also check the DNS server info and that might give you a clue as well.
- Contact Just Results and we’ll see how we can help you.